
How To Gift Skins Fortnite

Gifting of cosmetics and skins in Fortnite is coming soon! If you want to know how-to gift skins in Fortnite and then this guide volition help you larn how, too every bit provide you with a release appointment and everything else you lot need to know.

If there was one characteristic to come to Fortnite that a lot of people have wanted it is gifting of cosmetics. Yes, yous'd retrieve that information technology would be more than related to gameplay, only people accept wanted to gift skins for a while at present. Cosmetics and skins have become a huge part of what Fortnite is all nearly, and people collecting skins is one of the things people find fun with the game. Soon, yous volition exist able to give friends of yours skins for their birthdays or just to a squeamish person!

Leaked Information

Keep in mind that a large majority of this guide is based off of leaked information. We won't know how this is all going to work for sure until it is implemented into the game.

Fortnite Gifting Skins Release Date

Unknown equally of yet unfortunately! The data on gifting skins that was leaked happened recently, and then I would expect information technology to be added to the game very before long.

How-to Souvenir Fortnite Skins

Here is where we get into the speculation on how this is all going to work. This is based off of leaks from The1Jaren on Twitter.

As you can run across, when y'all become to buy a skin yous will be greeted with an additional button that allows you to "Buy Every bit A Gift." Now comes the most interesting screenshot, which is right after you click the push.

Now there'due south a lot here to look at. Get-go, you can gift up to four people at a time (including one for yourself). Information technology looks like you volition simply be able to receive a sure amount of gifts, and once you've hitting that limit, you'll take to wait at least 9 days before receiving more. There'southward also some hard to read text right below this menu, and it is the corporeality of gifts you take remaining. It says "v daily gifts remaining", which means you are limited to gifting 5 skins per day. Whether or not this is per skin or per recipient is unknown. One time you lot've selected who yous want to gift the item to, y'all'll get to the Gift Wrap menu.

Here'due south where you tin personalize your souvenir, and go out your friend a message or whatever. What is of note on this menu, is that yous can't return gifts to yourself. However, that doesn't hateful you can't returns gifts y'all've given to other people. Then, if you take souvenir regret, you might be able to go some of those V-Bucks back.

Fortnite Gifting Information

Obviously there'southward non a whole lot to go along right now with what has leaked, but in that location's some stuff we now know with this new information.

  • You won't exist able to gift someone a skin you lot already own unless it'southward in the item shop. So, you won't be able to shift around skins and merchandise for rares and what not.
  • At that place are going to exist pretty heavy limitations on who you souvenir and how often you are gifting skins.
  • There's going to exist some kind of limit on how many gifts you are able to receive.

That's all we know for now! Permit me know what y'all think of the upcoming feature in the comments.


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